Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Women Health, Pregnancy, Child Birth, Development Delay, Child Development, Early Intervention, Physiotherapy, Cerebral Palsy, MR, Disability, Kalptaru, Ranchi, Jharkhand,

Active Ageing. Keywords- Old Age, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Physiotherapy, Balance, Pain, Stiffness, Parkinson, Mobility, Stroke ,Kalptaru Physiotherapy Clinic, Synaptic Healthcare Solutions

Our research experience

Research and publications

  1. Sura, N kumar, B Singh.“Role of Dynamic Swiss Ball Exercises in the Chronic Low Back pain Recovery. Findings of a Meta- Analysis”, The International Society for Quality of Life Studies(ISQOLS) Conference 2016, Seoul, South Korea (Accepted for conference presentation)
  2. Nalin Kumar. Public Health Perspective and Physiotherapy: Global to local. International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research, IJTRR-(2016),[cited May 20, 2016];5(4):196-197.doi:10.5455/ijtrr.000000163
  3. Nalin Kumar1, Bhupinder Singh2 . Non Communicable Diseases in urban India: The challenges and opportunity for the physiotherapist;. International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research 2016; 5 (4):126-128
  4.  Bhattarai A, Dharel D, Kumar N. The Safe Delivery Incentive Program in Nepal: towards women’s empowerment. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. [Cited May 17, 2016]. Doi:10.5455/ijmsph.2016.03032016420
  5. kumar N, Kannan T. Physical Inactivity as a factor affecting Quality of Life (QOL) in people with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD): A descriptive cross - sectional assessment. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2014; 3(6): 679-685.
  6. Nalin Kumar. Doer and Non Doer Study. To evaluate the behavior of mothers who opt for institutional delivery or home delivery. 2015 (unpublished)
  7. Nalin Kumar. Focus Group Discussion with pregnant and lactating mothers, and mothers of children from 6 months to 3 years. An end line evaluation study to assess change in practice related to nutrition and care from nutrition intervention area.2015 (Unpublished) 

Health and wellbeing.

Dear Friends, 

Our network has been growing as we have been growing and being a keen parent, I have been watching every milestones of our progress. " The small but the the big steps to leap in the future. It takes us a moment of pride to mention that our work on Quality of Life has been gaining attentions and we are getting support of academicians and field experts working on human health and Quality of Life. The international Society of Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) has recognized us for our work and we are moderating the online discussion form for international audience. You may see the details on this and be a part of the larger growing community of researchers on Quality of Life. 


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Ageing and the Public Health burden


photograph obtained from-

Ageing is going to be another big public health burden for the country. We are trying to learn more on ageing and associated issues. Help us to learn more. Ageing is one of the prime areas of our work we do. Let us making ageing a happier and healthier process. We invite concepts and ideas at zero stage. Help us to make an inclusive and happier world, where no individual is being denied access to evidence based information. We are determined to provide evidence based, cost effective solutions. The individual experts, organizations and everyone interested may reply to us. We believe as part of the global network, we all are connected and the commonness of sharing human warmth for each other, the love and care for every human, the very similar basic needs connects us globally across all age span. Do write us at or

Job Vacancy

Synaptic Healthcare solutions, for its physiotherapy and health clinics requires Physio. We are a new healthcare startup and we require commited physios to make a change in peoples life. We have few vacancies in Ranchi, jharkhand. Eligibility- we require a physio with great compassion and excellent communication skills. A minimal commitment of 3 years is must. We offer you the expertise to learn the best evidence based solutions. Interested candidates may send their CV to or . We are ready to answer any of your queries. Please feel free to discuss. Queries may also be addressed at 7857916028, 7352900947

Thursday, 13 October 2016

"Kalptaru" Health and Physiotherapy Clinic

"Kalptaru" mythologically is being considered as a tree that full-fills all human wish. Few of the trees are being found in many parts of the country and we have a new of these trees in Ranchi. For us the name represents its origin from the place of Ranchi and we look forwards that the tree would fulfills everyone's wishes.