Monday, 12 December 2016

 Ageing and accessible environment

I'm not 80; I'm eighteen with 62 years experience.  ~Author Unknown

Growing old in one’s own home is the best gift that can be cherished for life. But what if, the home itself comes in the way of daily life? Many accidental falls and injuries to older adults are known to occur at their own home. Older adults tend to lose balance a little easily than their younger counterparts. It is mainly because of the diminishing sensation in one’s feet, as the age increases, combined with various other co-existing disease conditions such as Diabetes, Arthritis, together with various degenerative changes that take place at neuronal level and various organ and cells in the body. It’s the time again where there is a greater need of increasing the quality of life. With time the size of families have shrunk and now in both the rural and urban areas the people find difficulties to meet the connect with the larger social environment. Fortunately for the majority of rural senior adults the connect to the society stands very strong but the lack in the outreach of health and rehabilitation services. Still, for many Indians, ageing would largely be considered as a stage of peace to connect with the spiritual and religious affiliation. Whereas the term “Ageing” is a positive note, where life is considered positively and the preventive and protective measures are taken to make it a healthy stage of life.
The immediate home environment and the surrounding contain various level of hazards which may restrict the participation. The environment needs to be more conducive and participative. Dr. Shruti S.Ramjee a Physiotherapist and a columnist from Chennai, writes for us on some adaptations in the home environment in Urban areas. While there are various initiatives going globally, we are trying to disseminate scientific information in the simple form. This is the first serious where we are touching on issues related to accessibility and ageing. 
To avert such accidents and to make them lead a peaceful life, certain adaptations are needed to be made at the residence of the person.
Flooring: It is important to keep one’s feet firm on the ground. For that purpose, the flooring of the house must be adjusted to suit the feet of the seniors. Glazed tile flooring might look elegant, but it might be equally terrifying to a grandparent, who would have great difficulty moving around. It could be replaced by matte finish tiles, with distinct grooves, to enhance better foot grip.
Carpeting: Rugs and carpets would be a welcome addition to the floor, but it must be made sure that they are well tucked. An odd loose string could tug at the feet and cause one to fall and remain bedridden, causing physical and mental strain to everyone at home.
Barrier free environment: The immediate environment should be a barrier free space. The living room should not contain small boxes or containers in the walking area, as this will disrupt the walking and would put at risk off falling.

The Stairway/Ramps: Stairs must be of an ideal height and breadth, making the person comfortable even if stood with both feet placed on a single step. They must be made of non-slippery tiles, with adequate handrails, as even a small slip can lead to a great fall.
The living space: In most houses today, we might not have separate rooms for our grandparents, due to space constraints. The house must be arranged in such a way that there is ease of access to all the necessary areas such as switchboards, doors, windows, bathrooms etc. This would provide a sense of security and relief to the seniors, as they need not strain to get up each time they need something. Also, if at all they feel giddy, they can have a support to reach out for, rather than groping in the empty space, which would be terrifying for them.
Aids and Accessories: Water, medicines, a first aid kit, torchlight, remote controls, an extra pair of eyeglasses, walking aids (if used), spare cloth, towels, a few books, pens and papers, etc. must be kept in a shelf beside their beds. It matters when pains are taken to keep everything safe and secure for the elderly to stay in satisfaction.
Cleanliness: Care must be taken not to spill anything on the floor. A small pool of water, soap suds, spilt sticky or slippery food etc would irritate the feet of even a younger person, and could cause a dangerous slip to an elderly adult.

It is true that old age is second childhood, so it is important to handle them as gently as one would take care of a child. Everyone has the right to live happily at “one’s home” even if it is a small one room flat, and not with an empty heart at “a foster home”, however spacious it might be.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Synaptic Healthcare Solutions Pvt. Ltd. had been invited for the expertise in the field of Disability Rehabilitation. On behalf of the company Dr. Surya Mani Prasad, PT attended a workshop (as a Resource Person) on Disability Rehabilitation at District Institute of Education And Training (DIET) Ranchi. The workshop was organized by the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Jharkhand Branch from November 9 to 11’ 2016 & November 17 – 18’ 2016. 
Resource Persons and Officials from RMSA-Jh discussed collaboratively on objectives, training manual and designing of the schedule for the Disability Rehabilitation workshop.
Objective of the workshop:
* To develop training manual and training grid on disability
* To equip the master trainers with varieties of activities in Disability Rehabilitation
* To strengthen the master trainers in planning and visualizing disability lessons.
Officials from RMSA-Jh and participants appreciated the services of the resource person, who attended the mentioned workshop.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Our services for the elderly citizens 

 Our services for mothers and children 

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Women Health, Pregnancy, Child Birth, Development Delay, Child Development, Early Intervention, Physiotherapy, Cerebral Palsy, MR, Disability, Kalptaru, Ranchi, Jharkhand,

Active Ageing. Keywords- Old Age, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Physiotherapy, Balance, Pain, Stiffness, Parkinson, Mobility, Stroke ,Kalptaru Physiotherapy Clinic, Synaptic Healthcare Solutions

Our research experience

Research and publications

  1. Sura, N kumar, B Singh.“Role of Dynamic Swiss Ball Exercises in the Chronic Low Back pain Recovery. Findings of a Meta- Analysis”, The International Society for Quality of Life Studies(ISQOLS) Conference 2016, Seoul, South Korea (Accepted for conference presentation)
  2. Nalin Kumar. Public Health Perspective and Physiotherapy: Global to local. International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research, IJTRR-(2016),[cited May 20, 2016];5(4):196-197.doi:10.5455/ijtrr.000000163
  3. Nalin Kumar1, Bhupinder Singh2 . Non Communicable Diseases in urban India: The challenges and opportunity for the physiotherapist;. International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research 2016; 5 (4):126-128
  4.  Bhattarai A, Dharel D, Kumar N. The Safe Delivery Incentive Program in Nepal: towards women’s empowerment. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. [Cited May 17, 2016]. Doi:10.5455/ijmsph.2016.03032016420
  5. kumar N, Kannan T. Physical Inactivity as a factor affecting Quality of Life (QOL) in people with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD): A descriptive cross - sectional assessment. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2014; 3(6): 679-685.
  6. Nalin Kumar. Doer and Non Doer Study. To evaluate the behavior of mothers who opt for institutional delivery or home delivery. 2015 (unpublished)
  7. Nalin Kumar. Focus Group Discussion with pregnant and lactating mothers, and mothers of children from 6 months to 3 years. An end line evaluation study to assess change in practice related to nutrition and care from nutrition intervention area.2015 (Unpublished) 

Health and wellbeing.

Dear Friends, 

Our network has been growing as we have been growing and being a keen parent, I have been watching every milestones of our progress. " The small but the the big steps to leap in the future. It takes us a moment of pride to mention that our work on Quality of Life has been gaining attentions and we are getting support of academicians and field experts working on human health and Quality of Life. The international Society of Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) has recognized us for our work and we are moderating the online discussion form for international audience. You may see the details on this and be a part of the larger growing community of researchers on Quality of Life. 


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Ageing and the Public Health burden


photograph obtained from-

Ageing is going to be another big public health burden for the country. We are trying to learn more on ageing and associated issues. Help us to learn more. Ageing is one of the prime areas of our work we do. Let us making ageing a happier and healthier process. We invite concepts and ideas at zero stage. Help us to make an inclusive and happier world, where no individual is being denied access to evidence based information. We are determined to provide evidence based, cost effective solutions. The individual experts, organizations and everyone interested may reply to us. We believe as part of the global network, we all are connected and the commonness of sharing human warmth for each other, the love and care for every human, the very similar basic needs connects us globally across all age span. Do write us at or

Job Vacancy

Synaptic Healthcare solutions, for its physiotherapy and health clinics requires Physio. We are a new healthcare startup and we require commited physios to make a change in peoples life. We have few vacancies in Ranchi, jharkhand. Eligibility- we require a physio with great compassion and excellent communication skills. A minimal commitment of 3 years is must. We offer you the expertise to learn the best evidence based solutions. Interested candidates may send their CV to or . We are ready to answer any of your queries. Please feel free to discuss. Queries may also be addressed at 7857916028, 7352900947

Thursday, 13 October 2016

"Kalptaru" Health and Physiotherapy Clinic

"Kalptaru" mythologically is being considered as a tree that full-fills all human wish. Few of the trees are being found in many parts of the country and we have a new of these trees in Ranchi. For us the name represents its origin from the place of Ranchi and we look forwards that the tree would fulfills everyone's wishes.